app store download count

How can we tell how many times our app has been downloaded from the App Store? We have an app up on App Store and our download count shows zero. We know we have had numerous downloads, but we have no idea how many downloads. Is there anywhere ...

相關軟體 iTunes 下載

Apple iTunes 是適用於Mac和PC的免費應用程式,讓您盡情享受電腦中所有的音樂與影音檔案,iTunes的資料庫儲存您所收藏的所有檔案,只要打開iTunes即可享受。 Apple iTunes可在搜尋列中只要輸入標題或是演出者,就可立即找到您喜愛的音樂及影片檔案。 ...

了解更多 »

  • How can we tell how many times our app has been downloaded from the App Store? We have an ...
    App Store download count | Official Apple Support Communities
  • I need to do a market research on specific type of apps. so is there a way for me to know ...
    app store - Find the number of downloads for a particular app in apple appstore - Stack Ov...
  • With over a million apps and games, Google Play has something for everyone. Browse and ins...
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  • Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn’t open, click the iTunes icon in your Dock or on...
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  • Count iOS App downloads Ask Question up vote 17 down vote favorite 5 Problem: I'm an a...
    iphone - Count iOS App downloads - Stack Overflow
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    ios appstore - iPhone 6, iOS 8, App Store Update count doesn't update - Ask Different
  • Through the App Store, you can download new apps for your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or App...
    Use the App Store on your iOS devices, Apple TV, or computer - Apple Support
  • 2011年1月21日 - There is no way to know unless the particular company reveals the info. The ...
    app store - Find the number of downloads for a particular app in apple ...
  • 2011年2月5日 - You can check the no. of downloads of your app using your apple developer acc...
    iphone - Number of downloads of my app - Stack Overflow
  • App Analytics counts users who visit your app's product page from a link ... on the ap...
    App Analytics - App Store - Apple Developer
  • 2017年3月27日 - ... iTunes Connect website to manage iOS and Mac apps on the App Store. ... ...
    Viewing Sales and Trends - Apple Developer
  • The other answers are great if you want to find out the number of downloads your app is ge...
    How to see download counts for an app in the app store - Quora
  • How many apps have been downloaded? This statistic shows the number of app downloads from ...
    • Apple store downloads 2016 | Statistic
  • The number of downloads for a particular application in the iTunes store is not made publi...
    Find the number of downloads for an app - iTunesHow to find the ...
  • 2014年3月28日 - Yes, if the app is deleted after being downloaded, it still counts as a down...
    applications - How does Apple count app downloads? - Ask Different